Years 10-12 study and essay skills courses
Years 10-12 study and essay skills courses. The smart way to prepare for your HSC.
We offer study and essay skills courses for students in Years 10-12, all designed to help students realise their HSC potential.
- Our Year 10 Course: Preparing for Success course provides students an introduction to study methods, English language and writing skills necessary for success in a wide range of subjects in Years 10 and 11, and in the Higher School Certificate.
- The Years 10-12 Course: Study Methods course focuses on time management, learning and memory, critical thinking and making it through the examination period.
- Our two-day Years 10-12 Course: Essay Writing focuses on the essay form and related critical thinking, language and punctuation skills. We study how to structure essays, organise ideas and information, and write in appropriate language for assignments and exam essays.
Our Years 10-12 study and essay skills short courses are open to everyone. Sign up today and better prepare for your HSC.
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Years 10-12 study and essay skills. The smart way to prepare for your HSC. This two-day study methods course for Years 10 – 12 students focuses on time management, learning and memory, critical thinking and the examination period. Students develop strategies for independent study and time management for all subjects. We begin with how to confront and overcome distraction and procrastination – the most common difficulty for students in Years 11 and 12. The course then defines the... View Years 10-12 Course: Study Methods.Years 10-12 Course: Study Methods
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Years 10-12 Study and Essay Skills"}</p>
<p>This two-day study methods course for Years 10 – 12 students focuses on time management, learning and memory, critical
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$425 Limited inc GSTYears 10-12 Course: Study Methods<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Years 10-12 Study and Essay Skills"}</p>
<p>This two-day study methods course for Years 10 – 12 students focuses on time management, learning and memory, critical
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$425 Limited inc GST -
Years 10-12 study and essay skills. The smart way to prepare for your HSC. This two-day Essay Writing course focuses on the essay form and related critical thinking, language and punctuation skills for students in Years 10 - 12. The course is relevant to a range of subjects that require the writing of essays for assignments and exams. We will study how to structure essays, organise ideas and information, and write in appropriate language for assignments and exam essays. There will... View Years 10-12 Course: Essay Writing.Years 10-12 Course: Essay Writing
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Years 10-12 Study and Essay Skills"}</p>
<p>This two-day Essay Writing course focuses on the essay form and related critical thinking, language and punctuation skills
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$425 Limited inc GSTYears 10-12 Course: Essay Writing<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Years 10-12 Study and Essay Skills"}</p>
<p>This two-day Essay Writing course focuses on the essay form and related critical thinking, language and punctuation skills
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$425 Limited inc GST