5 tactics to get your boss to notice your value
5 tactics to get your boss to notice your value
Recognition of your abilities and outstanding achievements is the first step to being seen as a valuable employee with the potential to step into a leadership role.
But what’s the best way to highlight your skills, commitment and potential?

Aim for excellence – every time
Aim high. Do more than is expected of you. Don’t just meet expectations; exceed them. Understand your organisation and its brand, as well as your role in it.
Draw attention to your abilities and commitment by creating a strong track record. Leaders value employees who are competent, reliable and show initiative.
Be honest with yourself
Don’t wait for that yearly performance review: regularly evaluate your own performance and achievements. Revisit what has gone well and what hasn’t. Ask yourself what led to the successful outcomes and how you could have done better, in your work and workplace relationships.
What skills do you need to build confidence and create better outcomes? Be honest, acknowledge both weaknesses and strengths. A thorough self-assessment will allow you to play to your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Cultivate a sense of unity
Rally colleagues to mark milestones and successes with celebratory events to show that results matter and a team effort is crucial to outcomes. Be open, approachable and transparent. Listen respectfully to others and foster collaboration. Organise professional and team-building events to exchange knowledge and build trust. Once a project has finished, send a thank-you email highlighting the contributions made by everyone in the team.
Find a mentor
Stand out by making yourself known to the best and most inspiring executives in your field. Tell them about your goals and ask if they have the time to share their experiences with you. Begin with an informal chat then ask if you could meet on a regular basis. This may also connect you to a valuable network of senior executives with invaluable experience – who you could one day join.
Be a mentor
Share knowledge and experience with colleagues and new recruits. Be open and approachable. People rarely forget someone who shows kindness and a willingness to help them. It cultivates a sense of trust in a team but can also hone awareness of your own skills and performance and how you need to improve. The path to leadership begins with strong relationships with your team members. Start cultivating those relationships now.
Finally, don’t give up
Be persistent. Everyday provides a new opportunity to demonstrate your value, through strong relationships, hard work, creativity and commitment.
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