How to get your boss to pay for your professional development

How to get your boss to pay for your professional development
Investing in your professional development is a smart move that will give you an edge over the competition and longevity in your career.
In an age of disruption and rapid change, training is more essential than ever: it keeps you on top of new trends in your industry, which is of great benefit for your organisation. Bosses may have the experience to teach but not the time. Convincing your employer to pay for your course can seem daunting, but don’t be put off. Here are our tips on how to make your case.

Choose a course that aligns with your position
First, make sure the training you have in mind is suitable for your role within the company and be specific when linking the course to your job, by listing its outcomes with your responsibilities. If it isn’t in your job description, link it to a recently completed task or an upcoming project. Explain how upskilling could improve the process or results.
Research the course details
Make sure you have all the course details, including content, cost, outcomes, quality of workshop facilitators, duration, and how much time you will be off work (if at all). It may be beneficial to research similar courses in a range of prices and explain why your preferred course is more beneficial to you and your organisation.
Highlight the positive impact your new skills will have on the company
This training is about making you a more skilled and productive employee who can contribute more to the organisation, so make sure your employer knows that. It’s not about you; it’s about the bottom line. Highlight the ROI for your organisation and tell your boss that as a result of the training, you’ll be able to:
- take on more responsibility
- be more efficient or increase productivity
- pass on new skills to your team
- keep the company up to date with industry trends
- network and learn from others in the field.
Be prepared for push back
A manager’s KPIs may include sticking to a tight budget, so you may have to press your case. Even if you have outlined the following in your initial pitch, be prepared to back up and answer questions including:
- who will cover for you while you’re away?
- how long will you be out of the office?
- how do I know you won’t take your new skills to another company?
- why does this course cost so much?
- do you expect a promotion afterwards?
Sweeten the deal
If you find that, despite your best efforts, your boss isn’t warming to the idea, put a compromise on the table. Show your commitment to self-improvement by offering to pay for part of the course if the company will pay the remainder. Suggest colleagues who can fill in for you while you’re absent or take the course on a weekend or after work.
Plan your move
Don’t ambush the boss with all the details of your proposal in the corridor or the office kitchen. But if it feels right, mention it casually with the promise to follow up with an email or ask if you can have a meeting where you can explain how enhancing your professional development would benefit the company.

Before you ask …
Make sure your boss already knows you are committed to the organisation. You should already be showing plenty of initiative. If you arrive late, leave early and spend all day on social media, it may be hard to justify their investment in you.
Don’t give up
Don’t be discouraged if you get knocked back. Ask if you can make the request again at a later date; the beginning of the financial year could be a good time - or the end, just in case there is any money in the budget kitty left over. Remember to reinforce the benefits you will bring to the company once you’ve undertaken the training.
Now we’ve given you the guide, what’s holding you back from asking? The fact that you are seeking to improve yourself should be seen as a positive by your superiors. Make your case and enhance your professional development today with CCE courses including marketing, information technology, human resources, business management, project management and more.
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