How to get the most out of professional development training
How to get the most out of professional development training
Plan to get the most out of your learning with CCE and you will increase the chances that you actually will.
The reality is, there is more to skill acquisition than simply learning the skills required. It takes practice, opportunity and most of all a positive mindset to make positive change a reality.
We teach skills that you can use right away, and we also want to equip you with skills acquisition that is meaningful to you and your organisation. Positive psychology is a great way to frame a learning experience and to practice its benefits – and it starts with you.

What is the knowledge gap you want to close?
Whether the training is chosen by you or your boss, you should identify the knowledge gap/s you want to close and the reason for it. Be specific; what is something you have always wanted to learn? What could make a big difference immediately? What is something you want to learn more about, but perhaps want to ‘put on the shelf’ until later?
Make sure you let our facilitators know what you want to achieve
Our facilitators are trained to cater to your learning needs. Make sure you let the facilitator know what skills gap you want to close. Give them feedback during the day, let them know if you are learning what you want, and most of all, don’t be afraid to…
Ask questions
Please view our facilitators as a fountain of knowledge on the topic they are teaching. Take the opportunity to ask questions, approach them in breaks, or ask them to recap concepts. They are here for you to learn, so don’t be shy – please take advantage of it!
Plan – how will you integrate what you have learned into your day-to-day work life?
Chances are, you will take a course and leave with a whole lot of information. You need to ask yourself: How does this apply to me? How can this affect positive change in my workplace? Maybe there are micro changes you can make, and maybe there are macro changes. You may plan to implement a skill in your day-today work, or maybe there is a change you can introduce to your whole team, over time?
Create short terms goals and long-term goals
Make concrete goals. Don’t just think about what you change, create opportunities to practise skills, talk to your boss about what projects you can work on, or set meetings with your team to talk about goals and achievements. Visualise what success looks like for you and implement the steps to get there.
Check in with yourself (and/or your team)
This can be an activity you do by yourself, or that you do as a team. How are you tracking against your goals and what do you need to do to get on track and stay on track?
Remember, change can be a positive experience, and learning is definitely one!
It is up to you and your team to plan for and practice meaningful skills acquisition. We hope we have the privilege of helping you on your way!
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