5 tips on how to successfully work from home

5 tips on how to successfully work from home
Working from home is the new normal – how are you going to thrive in this new work environment?
With family members, pets and so many other distractions at home, it may be difficult transitioning to this new work lifestyle. You'll find yourself missing out on those walks to your favorite coffee shop, lunches in the office with your coworkers, or even having face to face meetings in the board room. It's a very different dynamic that can be a bit challenging to transition to, but if done correctly can lead to greater success in your work.
Here's our 5 tips on how to successfully work from home:
1. Separate your workspace from your bedroom
As simple as this one may seem, many people find that their ‘office’ turns into the desk in their bedroom. While this may seem like the most logical place to start working from, it can lead to quicker burnout and disrupt your normal routine. Your bedroom should be your personal space away from work, not where you conduct work.
Find a new spot in your home, whether it be the living room, a guest room, outdoors, or even the dining room, just as long as it's not in your bedroom. Not only will this physically separate your work and personal life, but also mentally as it allows you to focus on your work in one area and relax in your bedroom.
2. Take more breaks
At first, you might assume that working from home means working less. However, recent studies have shown that people often work two-three hours more from home than they would in the office.
When you worked at the office you probably took more breaks than you realised: walking to go get some coffee, talking with your coworkers, walking from your office to a different area of the building for meetings, and so much more.
It's important that you get up and take a break every once in a while, whether that be going on a walk, making some food, calling a friend or family member, or something else, as long as you're actively disassociating your brain from your work for a short period of time.
If you stay put and work in one spot for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, you will burnout quickly.
3. Use your vacation days to take a mental health day
Use your vacation days to take whole days off and just let your brain unwind and relax. Mental health is easily affected by sudden changes in routine – like working away from the office – it is important to prioritise your wellbeing, whatever that looks like for you. We recommend using your vacation days on either Friday or Monday, right before the weekend, to fully maximise those days off.
4. Work on your communication skills
Communication is key to successfully working from home. The wrong tone can easily be inferred from email and text, so it’s more important than ever to keep your message on point. Poor communication skills can lead to confusion and frustration in the workplace, and make working from home more challenging than it has to be.
5. Only work during your scheduled hours – don't check work emails at midnight
If you're scheduled to work from 9am to 5pm, don't continue to check on emails or work on small projects after 5pm. Yes, you may have some deadlines coming up and you may have to put some extra time in occasionally, but not every day. Checking work emails at all hours may lower your overall productivity and increase feelings of burnout.
Get in touch with CCE to discuss corporate training for your team.
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