Psychology courses
Psychology courses. Understand the secrets and complexities of the human brain.
If you’re fascinated by other people’s behaviour and the way they think, then our psychology courses are perfect for you.
When you study psychology, you’ll develop your critical thinking and gain a greater understanding of human relationships. You’ll also improve your communication skills and learn to understand yourself and others better too – essential skills for human resources, market research, social welfare and other careers in Australia.
Understand human behaviour with psychology courses from the University of Sydney – a leading provider of short courses in Sydney and online, all open to the general public. Enrol in a psychology course today and start to understand the secrets and complexities of the human brain.
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Psychology. Explore the human mind. Would you like to understand why and how people think, feel and behave the way they do? In this course, we will explain the nature of psychology as a scientific discipline and how it can answer this question, so that psychological knowledge can be applied to everyday life. Topics covered will include the history of psychology, personality theories, learning, child development and intelligence, psychobiology, abnormal psychology and social... View Psychology Course: An Introduction.Psychology Course: An Introduction
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Psychology"}</p>
<p>Would you like to understand why and how people think, feel and behave the way they do? In this course, we will explain the nature of psychology as
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$420 Limited inc GST -
Psychology. Explore the human mind. Counselling is being increasingly sought as the pressures of work and personal life continue to increase. This reflects the rapidly changing world we live in and the increasing choices we face as individuals. This counselling course introduces you to the concepts that underpin counselling so that you can offer this assistance to your work colleagues, employees, family members and network of friends when needed. This course is designed for a work... View Counselling Course: An Introduction.Counselling Course: An Introduction
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Psychology"}</p>
<p>Counselling is being increasingly sought as the pressures of work and personal life continue to increase. This reflects the rapidly changing world
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$480 Limited GST freeCounselling Course: An Introduction<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Psychology"}</p>
<p>Counselling is being increasingly sought as the pressures of work and personal life continue to increase. This reflects the rapidly changing world
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$480 Limited GST freeCounselling Course: An Introduction<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Psychology"}</p>
<p>Counselling is being increasingly sought as the pressures of work and personal life continue to increase. This reflects the rapidly changing world
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$480 Limited GST free -
Psychology. Explore the human mind. Dreams can be a rich source of information about our real selves, but many people wonder if they communicate anything of significance. In this psychology course, a practising Jungian analyst will introduce you to the symbolic language of dreams. By learning how to correlate dreams with events in waking life, you can use the creative potential of the dreamscape for greater self-awareness. Outcomes By the end of this course, you should be able to:... View Jung and Dreams Course.Jung and Dreams Course
<p>{block name:"Course Tagline - Psychology"}</p>
<p>Dreams can be a rich source of information about our real selves, but many people wonder if they communicate anything of significance. In this
...Course added to cart. Checkout now.Close this message$295 Limited inc GST